About the Collection
Welcome to my quotation collection.
My name is Eric Napier, and I am a collector. Some people collect baseball cards, coins, stamps, dolls, rocks, or various other items. I collect words. Specifically, I collect wise, funny, thought provoking, and historically significant quotations.
Most of the quotations in this collection come from my personal reading. Many also come from reader submissions. I love to get new suggestions, so if you have a favorite quotation, by all means share it.
The quotations in this collection remain the property of their creators. This site, its appearance, domain name, and commentary are mine, and I claim a copyright on it. I have no copyright claim on the individual quotations.
The appearance of an author's work does not imply endorsement by that author of this site. It also does not imply my endorsement of their work. This collection includes more than those quotations I like. It also includes quotations I consider worthy of consideration.
I hope you find something you like here. Or maybe something useful or inspiring. More importantly, I hope you find something that makes you think.
Incidentally, if you find something wrong or an opportunity for improvement, please let me know.