Quotes on Blame
A man can fail many times, but he isn't a failure until he begins to blame somebody else.
John Burroughs
When you don't take responsibility, when you blame others, circumstances, fate or chance, you give away your power. When you take and retain full responsibility - even when others are wrong or the situation is genuinely unfair - you keep your life's reins in your own hands.
Jeff Olson
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A man may make mistakes, but he isn't a failure until he starts blaming someone else.
John Wooden
Everybody's had disappointments, and anyone can rationalize his actions. But none of that matters. Blaming other people for your condition is a total waste of time.
Betty Ford
The search for a scapegoat is the easiest of all hunting expeditions.
Dwight Eisenhower
A strong leader accepts blame and gives the credit. A weak leader gives blame and accepts the credit.
John Wooden
Evolution has endowed us with a drive to identify, decry, and sometimes slaughter the "bad guys" who don't share our obviously superior values. Too often, we’d rather assign blame than solve a problem. The instincts that were useful for our ancestors back on the savannah are not always useful for us today.
Steven Landsburg
"Did what I want happen? No. Then my aim or my methods were wrong. I still have something to learn." That is the voice of authenticity. "Did what I want happen? No. Then the world is unfair. People are jealous, and too stupid to understand. It is the fault of something or someone else." That is the voice of inauthenticity.
Jordan Peterson
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