Quotes on Emotion

Just as nature gives us physical pain to guide us to doing or not doing things in the physical realm, nature gives us emotional pain to guide us toward doing or not doing things in the emotional or mental realm. The wonderful thing is that you're constructed so that if you simply listen carefully to yourself - to your mind, your body and your emotions - and follow the guidance you're given, you can dramatically enhance the quality of your life. Brian Tracy Quote Details

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Nothing gives one person so much advantage over another as to remain always cool and unruffled under all circumstances. Thomas Jefferson Quote Details

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The greatest enemies of success and happiness are negative emotions of all kinds. Brian Tracy Quote Details

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A moment of conscious triumph makes one feel that after this nothing will really matter; a moment of realized disaster makes one feel that this is the end of everything. But neither feeling is realistic, for neither event is really what it is felt to be. J. I. Packer Quote Details

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Never apologize for showing feeling. When you do so, you apologize for truth. Benjamin Disraeli Quote Details

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The subconscious mind is more susceptible to influence by impulses of thought mixed with "feeling" or emotion, than by those originating solely in the reasoning portion of the mind. Napoleon Hill Quote Details

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Peaks and valleys belong in the Alps, not in the temperament - the emotions - of a leader. John Wooden Quote Details

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It's easy to assume that vivid emotions spring from the truth. I'm not so sure. They often come from fear and confusion and well-told stories. Seth Godin Quote Details

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Clear thinking and overly charged emotions are usually antithetical. Bill Walsh Quote Details

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Why do we close our eyes when we pray, when we cry, when we kiss, and when we dream? Because the most beautiful things in life are not seen, but felt by the heart. Anonymous Quote Details

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There is a very remarkable inclination in human nature to bestow on external objects the same emotions which it observes in itself. David Hume Quote Details

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Emotions, positive and negative, come in two usefully differentiated variants. Satisfaction (technically, satiation) tells us that what we did was good, while hope (technically, incentive reward) indicates that something pleasurable is on the way. Pain hurts us, so we won't repeat actions that produced personal damage or social isolation (as loneliness is also, technically, a form of pain). Anxiety makes us stay away from hurtful people and bad places so we don't have to feel pain. All these emotions must be balanced against each other, and carefully judged in context, but they're all required to keep us alive and thriving. We therefore do our children a disservice by failing to use whatever is available to help them learn, including negative emotions, even though such use should occur in the most merciful possible manner. Jordan Peterson Quote Details

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